Saturday, July 12, 2008

Revival In The Land

S.B.: Psalm 33: 1 – 12
S.B. II Chronicles 7: 13 – 15

A while ago, a very dear old friend of mine, a veteran pastor who has been serving the Lord by serving his people for over 35 years re-introduced me to a word that has fallen into disuse, but which has a wonderful meaning. The word is Lagniappe. (“lanny – yap”) It is a Cajun word (although some might argue that it is Creole in origin), but, by definition, it means an unexpected extra blessing.

The whole idea of an unexpected extra blessing is one that God wants his children to take hold of, and share with one another, especially in today’s culture, and in today’s economic climate. God has given us so many blessings, not so we can horde them, but that we can use each of them to be a blessing to others, and not count the cost. That is why he sent us his son… he gave of his best… he held nothing back from us… he gave us above and beyond anything… he gave us the unexpected extra blessing of paying for all the dumb things we have ever done so we can spend eternity with him!

We are often guilty of under-praying… and of underestimating the power of praying. We cannot survive without praying, but praying together we can join together on a fantastic journey… on an incomprehensible adventure in Jesus!

I remember the story of a little church in a community in Kentucky where no alcohol was served. A businessman came into the town, bought the property across from the church, and began to build a tavern. The people of the church gathered to pray that God’s hand would move in such a way that the tavern would never open. Then one night during a thunderstorm, the tavern was struck by lightning, and burned to the ground.

The people of the church were very surprised when they sere served with a lawsuit brought by the tavern owner. The lawsuit alleged that the prayers were responsible for the lightning striking his building… and the people of the church countersued.

The judge hearing the case offered the opinion that it seemed as if the Tavern Owner believed in the power of prayer more than the people of that church did!

If you think “we’re just a handful of people… what can we possibly do for the Kingdom?” Consider this example. Nestled in the mountains of Southwestern New Hampshire is a little red building which used to be a power station for the local electric company. One day a man purchased that building with the intention of opening an Adult Bookstore. Once word got out to the people of that mountainside community that an Adult Bookstore was coming into town, they held a town meeting… and then they got on their knees and began to pray… not that the business would close, but rather that God would touch and ignite that man’s heart for Jesus. Then, one day, people driving along route 12 into Keene noticed that there was something different about that building. There was now a red and blue banner hanging on the tower of that power station declaring “Jesus Is Lord” for the whole world to see! Today that building is once again a Power Station… for Jesus. That little building has been used by God to spark a revival in that area that is reaching the world for Jesus. People gather at that little building several times a week for fellowship, for prayer, for praise and worship. The man who bought that building, a dear friend and brother in the Lord named Tom Travers gives all the Glory to God for changing HIS life, and for allowing HIM to reach people throughout New England with this ministry. He keeps pointing to one of his favorite verses in the Bible: Romans 1:16… “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes.”

The Lagniappe… the unexpected extra added blessing of this is that I personally had the privilege of attending the launch of this ministry four years ago. There were only four people there at that first Saturday night… Tom and Carol Travers, a young philosophy student from Keene State College, and myself. Today, Tom and Carol are two of our dearest friends, and every time they gather with the Power Station crew, they lift up “Pastor Ken, His family, and our brothers and sisters at First Congregational Church in New Bedford.” The unexpected extra added blessing is that you have brothers and sisters whom you have never met who are praying for you right now!

If you would like to find out more about what that particular ministry is doing to further the Gospel, please log onto , and you will learn more about what God is doing through The Power Station in Troy, New Hampshire to set the nation ablaze for Jesus.

Today, it is time for the sleeping giant called the church to wake up and reclaim its rightful place as reflecting the light of Jesus to a dark and lost world. We not only need something to hold onto… we need to share with those around us that when we think that there is no hope, that the horizon looks bleak, that all the evidence points to a dry spell on the way… that God’s word says there is hope, and there is safety in Jesus. The Word of the Lord is a strong tower… the righteous… those who have a right-standing relationship with God the Father… run into God’s word… and are saved!

We can no longer shirk away from the Gospel. God is calling the church today to take a stand and declare boldly to the people around us that we are not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes!” We cannot keep quiet about the Gospel any longer.

Last weekend our Sunday School and Youth Department went on a camping trip to Myles Standish State Forest, The theme for that campout was “Mission: Possible” They learned that it was possible to have a relationship with Jesus, and that it is possible for him to forgive us of our sins. They learned that it was also possible for him to transform us from being lukewarm Christians to people who are red-hot, on-fire, ready to set the world ablaze for Jesus! I believe that is what God is calling us to do as a church… as a nation… God’s word has a lot to say about revival in our nation.

If you wanted a Patriotic Message this morning… since this is the Sunday closest to the Fourth of July… then hear the word of the Lord…”

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD,The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.” (Psalm 33:12)

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (II Chronicles 7:14)

“For thus says the LORD to the house of Israel: “Seek Me and live” (Amos 5:4)

And we have the words of the Messiah… Jesus… to his disciples… to the church… to the church at New Bedford… and to you and me… “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

We had a wonderful time at Bristol’s Fourth of July celebration this past week. It was a time of celebrating our American Saints who have served our country. We celebrated our God-given freedoms, and the men and women who put themselves in harms’ way… who went willingly into the heat of battle so that we might be here today, gathered to worship God in spirit and in truth

Amid the fanfare and the bangs and the booms of the celebration came the message of revival for our land…
All Gave Some… Some Gave All… And One gave his life that we might be free…

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.

I Bid You Peace...

Dr. K.