Thursday, June 19, 2008

Standing In The Gap

Ezekiel 22: 23- 30

As you may well know, ancient cities were walled for defense. The walls, of course, had to be kept in good repair, but sometimes a part of the wall would deteriorate and fall, leaving a gap or breach. When this happened the city would need to immediately begin restoration. In the meantime armed men would be posted in the gap to protect the city from enemies and invaders.

In this passage, God is essentially telling His prophet, Ezekiel, that the spiritual and moral wall surrounding Israel is deteriorating and crumbling. The land is awash in sin and corruption. There is strife, violence, extortion and oppression, sexual perversion and religious deception. And every level of society is indicted ~ government officials, religious leaders, merchants, and ordinary people.And what does the Lord say? He tells Ezekiel, “I’ve been waiting for at least a few good men to begin the repair work and stand in the gap… Where are they?” God could not find even one man who would stand up to be counted, who would put his shoulder to the plow to begin the work of restoration, no one to begin the repairs, no man who would stand in the gap.

History repeats itself. God is searching for men who will begin the work of restoration and stand in the gap for this nation .The Lord is calling young men, husbands and fathers to care enough, believe enough and be brave enough to make the necessary sacrifices for home, community and country.But what does it mean to stand in the gap and rebuild the wall?

If you are inclined to make a commitment to take a stand and do what needs to be done to advance the Kingdom, what exactly do you need to do?Standing in the gap involves several different things, prayer certainly being one of the most important. Moses interceded for the Hebrew people when they sinned as we read in the Psalms: “Therefore He said that He would destroy them, had not Moses His chosen one stood in the breach before Him, to turn away His wrath from destroying them.” We are specifically called upon in Scripture “to pray, lifting up holy hands,” making petitions and offering thanksgivings “for all people; for kings and all others who are in authority, that we may live a quiet and peaceful life with all reverence toward God and with proper conduct.”

And, of course, proper conduct is fundamentally important. In the Proverbs we read that “The Lord is far from the wicked, but He hears the prayer of the righteous.” And also the Book of James tells us that the “heartfelt prayer of a good man works very powerfully.” The Lord Jesus teaches us that our outward conduct provides a witness, a testimony to our faith and can draw people to God.Jesus said, “In the same way your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven.” Francis of Assisi echoed these words: “Preach the Gospel every day and if you must, use words.” The way in which we live out our lives speaks volumes. Actions speak louder than words. This message is especially important for fathers. Who hasn’t heard the old adage, “Like father, like son.” The conduct of the father ~ that is, his character and integrity or lack thereof ~ makes a unique and indelible imprint on the lives of his children.

It almost goes without saying, then, that it is absolutely imperative the man of the house ~ the husband and father ~ be a good role model. And this is a necessary part of rebuilding the wall, you see: raising up a new generation of men and women of character and integrity. And though this is possible without the presence or cooperation of the man of the house, it is exceedingly more difficult.

Gentlemen, God calls on us to put our shoulder to the plow and work to be the kind of husband and father we ought to be, the kind of Godly husband and father that God calls us to be to our wives, our children, our families. This is a great responsibility when we realize that lives have been placed in our hands, and God calls us to watch over the lives of our families and be good stewards.

Part of rebuilding the wall around our church, our country and community and standing in the gap entails bold witness and courageous testimony. It calls for men to stand up with boldness, finding their voice, taking a stand for what is right, and “speaking the truth in love.” It calls for laying aside the old self, as Paul instructs, and putting “on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness.”

It calls for men to be actively involved in the Church, to take hold of the reigns of responsible leadership and, under the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit, “contending earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.” It calls for men becoming salt and light in this dark and dying world. God is calling for men to be raised up to reflect the light of Jesus into the darkness.

Rise Up!

It means calling that which is right to be right, and calling that which is wrong to be wrong.

Rise Up!

It means fearlessly proclaiming the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ without shame, embarrassment, reservation or hesitation.

Rise Up!

It means standing up and boldly declaring that I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ… for it is the Power of God for Salvation!

Rise Up!

To stand in the gap means to put your faith on the line and this takes divine courage and strength, Godly conviction and steadfast commitment.

Rise Up!

It is not a duty for the faint-of-heart.

Rise Up!

Rise Up, O Men of God!
Have done with lesser things!
Give heart, and mind, and soul, and strength
To Serve the King of Kings!

Rise Up!

I Bid You Peace,
Pastor Ken+

1 comment:

Sue Atkins said...

This blog lives on ... from June 2008 to Nov. 2009. Just wanted you to know how I came to your blog and what it meant to me. Today in our Sunday paper, there was an article concerning the ACLU bringing a lawsuit against our city for a nativity scene displayed on our riverwalk. It was donated by a local church and is among hundreds of other lighted displays there. I wanted to send our Mayor a e-mail suggesting that he might be "standing in the gap". I got online and looked up "standing in the gap." Your blog came up in the listings and after reading it, found it to be so fitting for this situation. This is a great big thank you for the blessing I received from your blog. I have been ministered to at my home church today and by your blog. We all need to be "standing in the gap." God is always on time sending us just what we need!! I hope you don't mind my sharing your blog with my family and friends. Thank you and God Bless You!!