Saturday, August 30, 2008


Acts 2: 42 – 47

In Acts 2: 42 – 47 there was something going on that was extraordinary… something was happening among those disciples gathered at Jerusalem that day.

To give some of the back-story, there were about 120 disciples gathered together for the Feast of Pentecost in Jerusalem… they were all together, and they were praying together… and they were in agreement with each other. Any difference between them had been soft-pedaled and they were focusing on their Common Ground.

As they are gathered together in that place, everyone hears the sound of a mighty, rushing wind, and people see something that looks like tongues of fire dancing on each of the disciples’ heads… and people hear God being praised and extolled in their own languages.

Peter gives one of the most definitive sermons of his career, declaring to the people that “This is what the Prophet Joel spoke about…. That God’s spirit would be poured out on all people in the last days… that sons and daughters would prophesy… that young men would see visions… old men would dream dreams… that we would see wonders in the sky above… and signs on the earth below… before the Day of the Lord comes… and whoever calls on the name of the Lord would be saved…

At the end of that speech, someone came up to Peter and asked him “So now what do we do?” These people were looking for something, and they found IT… and they wanted to know how they could have IT too.

So, the question really is…

What is IT?

Where does IT come from?

Can you buy IT?

Can you sell IT?

Once you get IT how do you keep IT?

Almost every week, I hear the same thing as I greet people coming in and out of the church. I hear people consistently saying “Wow… I really feel God’s presence here…”


IT is that something special from God… that special working of the Holy Spirit… and we see it in our text… “And the Lord added daily those who were saved…”

The LORD… added daily those who were saved…

The Lord added DAILY those who were saved…

It was the Lord’s doing… and he brought new people into a relationship with him each and every day…. And it is still happening to this very day.
Every so often I hear another observation… that church is a place where I can find the things that equip me to go out there and face the challenges of the world...

Well, that’s true… church is supposed to be a place for the equipping of the saints… but you also meet saints out there in the real world… it’s a little thing called fellowship…

Almost every day, when I worked in retail management, I would ask God for a point of fellowship during the day… someone with whom I could connect with and pray with… and without fail, by the time I went home for the day, I would connect with at least one person and have a brief time of fellowship with them… And I am consistently amazed to this very day about the ways in which God allows us to meet other people who are looking for that point of fellowship as well… and who knows… maybe God is using you to meet someone else’s need for Christian fellowship.

I Bid You Peace,
Dr. Ken+

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