Monday, September 17, 2007

A Cuppa Coffee for September

Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ;

Grace to you and peace from God our Father, through our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Summer is winding down, and autumn will soon be upon us. With the changing leaves and the scenes which seem to leap off of the pages of Yankee Magazine, comes not only a new school year, but also new opportunities for sharing what God is doing in each of our lives, and in our life together here at First Congregational Church.

I haven't yet seen one falling leaf, but I know with absolute certainty that before too long the leaves will be turning to vibrant red, brilliant yellow, and eye-popping orange.

With each changing leaf, I am reminded of the promise of God that HE will never leave us (no pun intended) or forsake us, and that HIS word endures from everlasting to everlasting. With each season comes change, and new beginnings, and each serves as a reminder that while HIS promises are new every morning, and it can truly be said that no two autumnal seasons are exactly the same.

In like fashion, no two people in the Body of Christ are exactly the same. The mix of gifts and talents that HE has blessed you with are different from the gifts and talents that HE has given me. Yet HE calls us to come together with our talents and gifts and make something beautiful out of them. Just as God designs the beautiful colors of teh changing leaves into a breathtaking tapestry, so HE takes our gifts, our talents, and our personalities and HE also weaves them together into something beautiful; something that brings glory to HIM.

As we begin anew this September and beyond, let us answer HIS call on our lives to come together as HIS people, and allow HIM to weave us into something beautiful... something that brings HIM glory! Let us allow our unique personalities and our equally unique mix of gifts and talents to be used to make a difference in the lives of the people around us.

I bid you peace...

Pastor Ken+

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